Military Veteran Speaking

Why Justin

  • Justin is a retired Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel and a Post 9/11 combat veteran who survived a gunshot wound to the head in Iraq.

  • Justin has published books about military leadership and veteran employment, and his articles on these topics have been published in Forbes Magazine, The Washington Post, Time, CNN and The Atlantic.

  • Justin was named a Champion of Change for veterans by President Obama and was one of the wounded warriors painted by President Bush in his book Portraits of Courage.

  • Very few people have not only survived an injury like Justin’s, but thrived. He has a second lease on life, and focuses on helping others at work and at home. And not many speakers receive a standing ovation at virtually every event – Justin is one of those people.

The numbers you need to know


TEDx Talks


Standing ovations after speech


Number of audience members each year


U.S. Presidents who have honored Justin

About my Military Veteran Speaking

There is no doubt that Justin is a leading voice in the Veteran community, and he has also been recognized as an authority on leadership by corporate America. Justin led a team of Marines in Iraq, and despite a grievous injury, has never looked back. He personifies the practice of leading from the front and leading by example. Besides numerous military and civilian rewards, Justin received the inaugural 2014 Lincoln Award for outstanding achievement and excellence by a veteran in providing aid and opportunities to other veterans. Justin also co-founded the Veteran Success Resource Group, a military nonprofit organization that brings hundreds of veterans together at one time with a multitude of resources from businesses, corporate hiring partners, educational institutions, government agencies and other nonprofit organizations.  

Justin applies his incredible story of overcoming adversity to every level of an organization, and inspires all audiences to move beyond the challenges they are facing in their own lives. Through his journey of courage, injury, resilience and triumph, Justin demonstrates that we are all stronger than we think we are. Viewers and participants leave with a renewed sense of direction, excited about their possibilities and prepared to attack any obstacle.

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